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What They Say


Family - " I can’t imagine where we’d be if he hadn’t been offered that”.

Family Views

Young Person "so it’s kind of really good to do the assessments because I did open up more and more that I saw [research assistant] which is why I think now I’ve got to the point where I can talk about it all. It definitely helped"

Assessment Process

Young Person - " even though [the research assistant] was not a therapist I felt very comfortable with her so I could be open and honest about my whole circumstances"

Assessment Process

Young Person - "I didn’t know whether I wanted to do it or not because at the time it was like I’d tried everything. It’s actually been pretty helpful yeah."

Therapy Received

Family - "didn’t want to worry me or whatever so it was good to talk to someone who was detached really"

Family Views

Young Person - " I don’t think that anyone I have seen in my life has ever helped me as much as just the sessions I had with her did"

Therapy Received

Young Person - "I didn’t feel pressured to speak about anything I kind of opened up myself"

Assessment Process

Family - " I think men as a whole don’t really talk .. just talking to someone that’s completely impartial … wasn’t going to judge him and was professional … helped him massively"

Family Views

Young Person - "within five minutes I was relaxed and you know felt confident to tell her things I didn’t feel I had to hold anything back because I knew everything was confidential"

Assessment Process

Young Person - "I thought, why not do it for the study which is going to benefit and help other people because it is part of the research and it’s a study because not only am I getting help for myself but it could be helping potential other people in the future "

Therapy Received

Young Person - "the wider benefits can affect so many other people and yourself in the future"

Therapy Received

Family - "It’s made a difference it really has. I never thought I’d be at this point six months later, I thought it’d be like years and years of working on this but it’s made a massive improvement"

Family Views
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